Contrary to popular belief, it does snow in Texas. But not usually in subtropical Houston! Much less actually stick to the ground as proof that it actually happened. But last night, on our fifth straight day of drizzling rain, a cold front came through at just the right time and made us some beautiful snow!
The snow began to fall at around 11:00 p.m.–about 10 minutes after I checked one last time and then jumped back into my cozy bed. So I was surprised at 6:30 a.m. when I opened the door to let our dog out. She promptly skidded on some ice and then carefully tiptoed into the grass. Yes, I laughed at her.
The kids have been asking for snow ever since we moved from Oregon. Where we lived, snow didn’t fall often on the valley floor, but it was a short drive to lots of snow in the mountains. Madeleine especially has been asking for a snowman, and I’d already been trying to figure out a way we could somehow make it up to Colorado for snow this year or next. And then, bam! Snow. God is good, all the time, even with “small” things like snowmen.

Here are some photos of the glorious snow I snapped while the hubby drove the kids to school. They usually take the bus but we needed extra snow play time.

So glad I sprung for these old-fashioned Christmas lights at the post-Christmas sale at Hobby Lobby. They made this snow day feel just right.

These bushes lining our front walk make me feel claustrophobic and I have plans to dig them out as soon as I build up enough rage to fuel all that work. But this morning, they redeemed themselves!

I love how the yaupon trees have red berries all fall and winter. They look like holly trees but without the spiky leaves.

Within a few hours all of it melted, but the snow day was wonderful while it lasted.
The kids have been asking for snow ever since we moved from Oregon. Where we lived, snow didn’t fall often on the valley floor but it was a short drive to snow in the mountains. Madeleine especially has been asking for a snowman, and I was already wondering if we could somehow make it up to Colorado for snow this year or next. And then, bam! Snow. God is good, all the time, even with “small” things like snowmen.